Parsing “Unsafe” Method Signatures

If you’ve ever used JustMock then you should be familiar with code fragments like this one: public interface IFoo { byte Bar(int i, string s, long l); } var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Bar(123, “test”, 321)).Returns(5); The interesting thing in this code is in the Arrange method. Its signature is as follows: public static …

NUI or GUI or … not

Today there are a lot of devices (smartphones, tablets, handheld game consoles, etc.) with support for gestural interface. We often call such interfaces natural user interfaces (NUI). These interfaces are in contrast with the traditional graphical user interfaces (GUI). In this post I am going to share my thoughts and experience with NUI. Every software …

RVA Static Fields

In JustTrace Q1 2013 we added support for analyzing GC roots that are static fields. The implementation of this feature uses ICorProfilerInfo2::GetAppDomainStaticAddress,  ICorProfilerInfo2::GetThreadStaticAddress and so on. Among all these methods, there is a very interesting one, namely ICorProfilerInfo2::GetRVAStaticAddress. In this post I am going to focus on a little known CLR feature that is closely …