Yesterday I ran one of my apps onto VirtualBox VM and it suddenly crashed with OutOfMemoryException. There is nothing special about my app, it allocates one large array of System.UInt64 and does some calculations. So, it seems that my problem was related to the array size. Array size limitations Here are a few facts about my …
Tag Archives: CLR
Introduction to CLR metadata
If you are a .NET developer then you’ve probably heard or read about CLR metadata. In this blog post I will try to give you a pragmatic view of what CLR metadata is and how to work with it. You are going to learn how to use unmanaged metadata API from C# code. I will …
Analyzing crash dumps with ClrMD
Microsoft recently released the first beta version of Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime component. Lee Culver describes ClrMD as follows: ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of a .NET program much in the same way as the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS). It allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications …
RVA Static Fields
In JustTrace Q1 2013 we added support for analyzing GC roots that are static fields. The implementation of this feature uses ICorProfilerInfo2::GetAppDomainStaticAddress, ICorProfilerInfo2::GetThreadStaticAddress and so on. Among all these methods, there is a very interesting one, namely ICorProfilerInfo2::GetRVAStaticAddress. In this post I am going to focus on a little known CLR feature that is closely …